Take the Stress Out of Learning For Them and you

A learning styles report from Wired for Learning, based on Dr. Carla Hannaford’s groundbreaking research on Brain Dominance Profiling, could be the game-changer your child needs

How is Your Child
Wired for Learning?
Unlock Key Insights with Dr. Carla Hannaford's Brain and Body Dominance Assessment: Our Wired for Learning reports for home and school reveal your child's natural learning preferences, biases, and stress triggers, and provides tailored strategies and techniques for confidence and success, helping them excel with ease
Discovering How Your Child is Wired for Learning is Free, Quick, Fun and Life Changing
Ease away their frustrations and difficulties learning.
In only 10 minutes you can discover just what your child or student needs to be a confident and successful learner.
Take away the guess work, trial and error on how to teach them.
And as a parent or educator, in that moment the insight you’ll get will make a difference that will last them a lifetime.
Study easyily and Learn Confidently
At Wired for Learning, our free interactive assessment reveals your child's natural learning profile. The downloadable report provides instant insights and a toolkit to help:
Boost academic performance by embracing your child’s natural learning style.
Enhance behaviour and attitude toward learning with matched teaching styles to optimise learning and avoid stress triggers.
Build self-confidence with personalised strategies.
Achieve exam success with effective study techniques.
Reduce stress with targeted exercises designed to lower anxiety and promote concentration.
Visit the website to discover Wired for Learning