How Wired for Learning can support your home-schooled child

Wired for Learning is a great resource for those educating their children at home. Our in-depth learning reports provide you with detailed insights into your child’s learning style and dominance profile. With this information, you can then tailor-make an at-home curriculum that plays to their strengths and allows them to improve their areas of development.

Brain dominance matters

The brain is divided into two sides, called hemispheres, which process information in distinctly different ways. The hemispheres of your brain are connected by a bundle of nerve fibres, called the corpus callosum, which transmits information between the two sides creating integrated thought, learning, and action. Interestingly, the left brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa. Your dominant brain hemisphere impacts how you learn best.

Identify how they process information

Everyone has a dominant brain hemisphere and it’s this that has an impact on how we prefer to process information from the world around us. People who are left-brain dominant favour verbal and logical skills and are detail-oriented. Those who are right-brain dominant favour “big picture” learning and tend to prefer to take action.

Discovering your child’s dominant brain hemisphere is key to helping them unlock their full potential. A common misconception is that if you are dominant in one hemisphere your eyes, ears, feet, and hands will also be dominant on that side but we often have mixed dominances. This is why the Wired for Learning assessment focuses on each sense individually.

Discover the link between dominance and stress

When we’re in a low-level stressful situation, such as learning a new skill, our brain often returns to its “default” setting - our dominant hemisphere. In this state, activity in the non-dominant hemisphere can shut down by as much as 85%, which is why the Wired for Learning reports contain recommended exercises to help your child regain balance between the hemispheres.

Understand their unique approach

By assessing hand, feet, ear, and eye dominance separately from overall brain dominance we’re able to identify areas of strength and recommend techniques to make learning easier for your child. These techniques focus on your child’s innate preferences for managing information and organising their learning environment so they can take control. The reports cover real, actionable tips your child can use to empower themselves and actively engage with their learning. It’s this that sets us apart from other assessors. We firmly put the power in your child’s hands, allowing them to play an active role in their own education.

Help them achieve balance

We know how stressful it can be to learn something new and as a child, you’re almost always receiving new information. Once we’ve identified your child’s dominance profile we recommend exercises specifically designed to help them rebalance in stressful situations. These are targeted exercises they can use to keep their brains de-stressed and “switched on” while learning, enabling them to remain productive and engaged for longer.

Each exercise contains a written outline and visual guide to cater to all learning styles. There are also different levels that they can use depending on the situation. We also outline the best use for each exercise so they (and you) can select the most appropriate one for how they’re feeling in that moment.

Targeted teaching strategies

We also include information about how you, the educator, can optimise your child’s learning. Covering each area of dominance, we make recommendations for how you can help increase engagement by using techniques that play into their natural learning styles. These teaching strategies are designed to be easy to implement and encourage whole brain processing, allowing them to become a more adaptable learner.

Wired for Learning - the home-schooler’s best friend

Our online assessment takes around 10 minutes, can be carried out at home, and allows you to create a truly unique learning environment. Discover your child’s dominance profile



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